eSports Association Selects LoL and FC Mobile as National Team Training Events

eSports Association Selects LoL and FC Mobile as National Team Training Events

Blog Article

The Korea e-Sports Association (KeSPA) announced on the 4th that it has designated League of Legends (LoL) and FC

Mobile as national e-sports player training events.

The association decided to designate sports with a high possibility of being selected as official events in international

competitions and that require domestic expansion as national team training sports.

National team development sports are divided into 'continuous development sports' that have secured a domestic base and

player base but require continuous management and supervision, and 'new development sports' that have a high

possibility of being selected as international competition sports but lack a domestic base and player base.

Riot Games' LoL was selected as a continuous development item, and Nexon's FC Mobile was selected as a new

development item. The association plans to sequentially increase the number of development items.

Accordingly, KeSPA has designated the '2024 KeSPA Cup' as a competition that can be used as a quantitative review

indicator when selecting national e-sports 합법 teams.

The 2024 Kespa Cup LoL event will be held for approximately 8 days from late November to early December, and the FC

Mobile event will be held for two days during the 'FC Pro Festival' tournament.

Starting this year, the association will require athletes to register and have a history of participation in competitions that

serve as indicators of review when selecting national representatives for international multi-sport competitions, and will

use the medal performance and individual records from relevant competitions as quantitative evaluation indicators.

The association said, "We are not satisfied with the results of the last Hangzhou Asian Games, and will do our best

together with all domestic e-sports members to achieve even greater results in the future."

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